Three Ways to Maintain Sustainable and Healthy Fields

Healthy field Photo by Ales Krivec on Unsplash
Healthy field Photo by Ales Krivec on Unsplash

Having pioneered more than 20 natural and organic food brands, Scott Lively has advocated before a congressional subcommittee as well as petitioned the European Union to accept certified organic beef from the United States as equivalent to European NHTC (No Hormone Treated Cattle) Beef. Scott Lively also promotes sustainable farming practices.

In essence, sustainability practices seek to perpetuate the health and productivity of the land through natural means. Sustainable farming leads to more nutritious crops and more viable long-term strategies. The practice of sustainability can include the following:

1. Diversifying and Rotating Crops

Growing different types of crops and rotating them among different fields substantially decreases the impact of pests and disease. It can also help maintain soil health, depending upon the choice of crops.

2. Planting Cover Crops

Rather than letting the land lie bare, planting a cover crop, such as a legume, can return nutrients to the soil while protecting the top layer of earth from wind and water erosion.

3. Raising Crops and Livestock Together

Using livestock in the rotation process can benefit the soil by providing natural fertilizer.